Friday, October 5, 2012

A sunny fall

Well We have been having some amazing weather here is Seattle and I have been fortunate enough to enjoy it. Last weekend I hit the trails for a 42 mile bike ride and my plane for this weekend is to hit the Half century mark.  I rode with a  group of people last week so this may be a touch harder riding solo.  It is a very flat rout so it almost feel like its cheating but it is still a long time to be in the saddle so I am enjoying the practice.  Today I will be heading out for a run on my lunch hour so the I will be free after work for some home improvement task. I am making an accent wall in my bed room (we shall see how this turns goes).
Recently I was very lucky to have a little gift sent my way I now have a full tri kit that is decked out in Team Gleason I am so stoked I rode with the jersey last weekend and loved it.  I will have to shoot a picture and get it up here soon.  Here is to the off season my goal is to stay in shape and get stronger I am hitting the weights this year to build up some muscles.  Until next time

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