Tuesday, April 12, 2011

6 miler down.

Well after my long run for the week I feel pretty good. I did it last night even though I was supposed to do over the weekend but with my travel plans (helping my sister shoot a wedding in Cali) I made the executive decision wait until Monday. I Had plenty of time off from my last workout which was last Thursday oops. I will be getting better at a schedule but at least I am getting my mileage in. During this program of mine I am supposed to do my long runs at HMP plus 30 secs so last night run should have been about 1 hour and 12 mins. As of right now my HMP is 11:30 secs. I feel that will get faster because I have been away from consistent running for so long..ish that my pace is slow!! Last night's run took 1 hour and 15 mins so I was close to my goal but missed it. The good news is that the 6 mile mark is when I got injured last time I was training for a half. So to be done with it and not be injured and feel pretty good I do have some soreness but nothing really out of the ordinary. I did do ice last night just to be sure and reduce my soreness. I have the running bug and am now excited about training once again so that is great and this running only 3 times a week is fabulous. Pumped for tomorrow speed work.
Now for the cross training portion of the program. I have recently picked up a road bike thanks to Santa and My mother. I have had it for a day and I love it I have not gotten to ride much because well I've had it for one day, but have decided to ride to work when I can. So today I set out on my quick 10 min ride to the office which I did not realize is ALL UP HILL. So my quads were burning just a touch due to the run the night before and the not so leisurely stroll to work. I have it planned that after my long runs I will have a day off but the short bike ride to work took me by surprise not that it was long by any means but it was sure a burner on the old quads. I'm looking forward to cross training on my bike and being able to put in some real miles.
Week 2 Plan
4 Mile tempo
7 mile long run.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah when you are in a car you don't notice the slight uphills that turn out to be no so slight when you are on a bike. Keep up the good work! Love, Mom
