Friday, April 27, 2012

Hardest week to date.

Well this was my toughest week (4/15-4/22) of training so far.

Sunday: 40 mile bike 30 mins run
Monday Long Swim:  2500m
Tuesday: Bike: 1 hour small chainring only effort outside or on trainer.
              Run : 30 mins
Wednesday: REST!!!!!
Thursday hell I mean: Brick- Run: 90 min run
                                 Speed work Swim : 1550m
Friday: Swim 1950m
Saturday: Bike 2 hours
               Run - 30 mins
Sunday:  Run 30 mins
              Bike 1 hour.

Now that was the schedule and I did it all but this was a mental toughness week.  On Thursday I was not feeling well and by no feeling I was curled up on my bed debating what doctor I should call to get a sex change operation so I do not have to deal with pain like this every month (sorry for the TMI but it is necessary like I said triathletes have no shame or boundaries I guess I am becoming one).  I then had a come to Jesus moment and realized this was a teaching moment and I will conquered a lot more by just powering out this workout then I would if I postponed or cheated/shortened it.  I also got a text from a friend that said how is your work out of death coming along (I couldn't tell him that I skipped it) which helped throw me into first gear which was the only gear available that day.  So off to the store I went at 8:45pm at night walked in and bought 500 ibuprofen, Gatorade and cliff bar and headed to the gym.  I drove a little farther so that I would be in the warm pool for my swim.  I walk in hopped on the treadmill to watch the end of the Mariners game and off to the races I went.  After my first hour on the treadmill it just stopped.. I realized it is only programmed for 1 hour long runs I was very close to closing up shop and taking that as a sign.  But I looked down and saw my No White Flags bracelet and wouldn't let myself do it so I powered it on for one more half hour.  It was one of the most challenging runs I have ever done but I did it. P.S. you should never run for 90 mins on a treadmill the scenery is boring. After what felt like the longest 1/2 hour of my life time, off to the pool I went cliff bar in hand and mouth. Swim felt great and I headed for home at my usual time of 11:40pm.  I think that I will look back at that night as a break out workout.  It was slow and painful but worth it. I am going to need that mental strength on race day.
The sliver lining:
After you have a workout like that one everything else seems a little easier like: I only have to do one workout today or 2 hours on the bike no problem I was on it for 3 hours last week.  I think these people may actually know what they are doing here with these training programs.
The weekend:
With my new I'm a kick ass woman hear me roar attitude. I enjoyed every single bit of training on the weekend I felt strong and motivated.  It was also very sunny in Seattle which helps.  I felt like nothing could keep me down so I headed out for my run on Sunday morning after a little time with coffee and Jesus on my rooftop.  On my return I got stopped by a train so I did some lunges and sprints to keep my hear rate up and I was lucky enough to have some great tunes on.  Just when the train passed I was listening to one of my favorite Garth songs Ireland. I just took off with a vengeance and was quickly stopped when my right arm slammed into nothing else but a Warning Railroad Crossing sign.  I ran right into it as my body shook some of the people stopped by the train seemed to be concerned for me as well and asked if I was alright I gave em a wave and continued on to my home.  Not my finest moment and I had a little road rash to explain but all in all I stayed on my feet and was mostly unharmed beside my ego of course.  Moral of the story the one thing that could slow me down is a rail road sign and the miss judgement of my broad shoulders.
Current week:
 A week of recovery and I have been enjoying its small workouts 6 days a week.  I have a 10k race planned for Sunday (I am supposed to just do a 60 min run this will take me about 70 mins) and a 25 mile bike ride planned for Saturday (this should take me 1:40 mins and I am supposed to just do 60 mins).  I will be doing a touch more then I should but I think its okay I'm itching to get back at it.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Katie! I am so proud of you doing this by yourself! Love the rr sign story. Gotta do that stuff in front of people. It could be inherited! Falling at the bike dismount!
