Monday, May 9, 2011

10 MIles or Bust

I did it and completed my first big big run at least how I look at it. I have 3 big run before the half 2, 10 mile and 1, 12 mile. I really felt a sense of accomplishment and like I said all of these long runs I have to do are the farthest I have ever run before. I did not beat the stomach cramps after the run but I just forced myself to eat and it was a bit better. I made a rookie mistake on this venture though I could not find my running socks so I just went with a pair I thought would work. They were thin and cotton...Cotton I know better but thought it would not be a big deal. Well come mile 4 I could already feel a blister on the arch of my right foot forming. I had 6 miles to go and knew that I would have to fight this the rest of the way. When I was done I had two very large blisters on the arch of my right foot, but I had two days of rest coming so I a was happy I would have time recover. I think that the only other thing that I need to buy for my training is body glide and I will be all set to go as a "runner".
Now on to what feels like a rest week, because all the totals for training this week are smaller then the week before WAHOO!!! Yesterday-4x800, Thursday- 5 mile Tempo, Saturday- 8 Mile long run. All these seem like a breeze now that I have hit the 10 mile mark.
Yesterday's run 0f 4x800 went great I was really able to push myself and each half was under or at 5min for each. That is about 15 secs faster then I am supposed to run them ( which resulted in a PR for me on my green lake course) and I felt wonderful and am excited for tomorrow's 5 mile tempo run.


  1. How are the blisters? I would get on some running chat/board and post your question. I bet you will find some answers!

  2. I am already on it. :) Thanks MOM.
