Monday, May 23, 2011

Self proclaimed rest week

Here it is I skipped a run this week and it felt great to do so. I was supposed to go on a easy 6 mile tempo run on Thursday and I got a call from my friends that were catching a few drinks on the lake I run around. My plan was to park my car at the Cantina and then run around the lake and meet them later... So I found myself a parking spot and had my running skivvies on with my tech t and I was ready to run but I thought that I would say hello first. That was my big mistake, I said hello and never said goodbye and before I knew it the sun was no longer out and our waitress refused to bring us more wine. Obviously this place is new and does not under stand that a table of three girls can put down a bottle of wine or three in a three hour period. Needless to say that we will probably not be going back to the Little Water Cantina anytime soon. So if I have three glasses of wine I'm not going to be running so I skipped it and felt a bit guilty but I have had two 12+ mile bike rides this week so I think that helps. And by helps I mean helps me not feel as guilty. So the great part about skipping this run is that I ran my 9 miles on Sunday ( yes a day later then my usual long runs) and it was my best run to date. I felt my best I have felt yet and my stomach problems were nonexistent. I think/know now that I need to eat more food I had pasta before my run accompanied by a Clif bar and this was with in an 1 and 1/2 from start time and I did great. I had chomps and a gel but I only drank water because I didn't have any sport drinks on hand but it worked. Just three days before my run I was at a bike rally for biking to work. I got the opportunity to chat with a gal that had said she had the same problem with feeling terrible after a run, and for her it was because she was not taking in enough fuel. We started talking and she told me what she takes before and during her training sessions. She starts gels 15mins into a workout and has one pre run as well, and once she upped her calories she felt better. So I followed her lead this weekend and was pleasantly surprised. Love this running/biking world you get to meet such great people and learn a ton about how to be a better athlete. Thanks to my random friend and some gels and chops for a very successful 9 mile this weekend.


  1. Yep it is fun to meet new people that do what you do! Glad the stomach deal is solved. Isn't it interesting that your stomach was upset and you couldn't eat and what you needed was more food. Life is funny that way.

  2. I know and I went to REI and the were having a sale on my recovery drink so now I'm set to go for all my runs. GU has a big tub and I was able to buy that for 25% off :)
