Monday, May 2, 2011

Week3/4 recap

Week 3 Recap
-I skipped my long run and I skipped my tempo run so I Failed at week 3!

Week 4
Monday squeezed in a bonus run because I did so terrible in week 3.
Tuesday- 6x400's loving this training program I like that each work out is different and I don't just run. This was a great little run to get back into things. Pushed myself pretty hard and felt great after.

Thursday- 6 mile tempo- Its begun I am getting hot spots when I run and I don't like it. It is not bad when you are running it is the post run shower that this pain sneaks up on you. So this got me thinking about my 9 miles on Saturday that was fast approaching.

Saturday 9 Miles: Saturday Started with me being nervous because I skipped my long run the week before yeah oops. I know that I will pounding the pavement for about 1 and 45 mins so I need to start thinking about water and fuel on my run. So I went to my running store Super Jock and Jill, and I looked at ergonomically correct hand held water bottles. I tried a few out and settled with a flat 12 oz one. Then I made my way over to the underwear section to see if I could solve some problems there. I found some hot running undies and I was almost set to go but i wanted to speak with the checker first. I asked her if the underwear were going to change my life and she said yeah there is a good chance. So after I dropped 20.00 bucks on my new roos ( under-roos that is). I was out the door and ready to run. I went home and had a chicken sandwich and a baked potato and waited about 2 hours for my run. I filled the water bottle with a sports drink (some running one I can never remember its name it is whatever is on the course during the R&R) and threw on the roos and was out the door. Well I had never run with water/fluid and I did a very good job of just taking a few sips here and there. At mile 5 I ate some GU and kept powering on. I was good to go until about mile 8.5 and the last .5 miles I was getting some pain but I had rationed my fluid perfectly and in 1 hour and 48 mins I was done with my longest run to date. I felt great the next day the worst part of long runs for me is right after they're over I get stomach cramps and can't eat. But I forced down some chomps when I got home and then had a beer ( carbs people!!) or two and those did the trick...ish still had a hard time with real food but got over it. That pretty much wraps up the 9 miler and weeks 3/4.
P.S. The underwear saved my world and I would spend up to and including $50.00 for the relief I experienced.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got underwear relief! Nice job on your run!!! 9 miles is a long way by yourself!
