Saturday, May 7, 2011

We Shall call this Week 5 pre-cap

I have titled this the pre cap because I know I usually give you the run down after my week is over but today not so much. I will break down this weeks earlier workouts but will be giving you the pre run gitters update for today's 10 miles.

Tuesday: 3x1600- I had to do this little work out on the treadmill so I tried to really crank up my speed and I did for the first mile 10 min mile baby!!! Then the second was a 10:20 and the last one went up to a 10:54 with a fast quarter mile at the end. Currently my goal is to run the Half at 11:30. So my speed training for a mile should be 10:45 secs so I need to work on not giving it all to my first miles and learn to save some energy. I will learn. I was thinking to myself that this was such a short run that I would be able to wear whatever I wanted, and I would be fine... Well I was wrong I went with a loose cotton tee and tucked it into my sports bra strap and I would find out during my shower that was a terrible idea. I had rubbed my shoulder area raw NOT FUN. I was at work the next day and chatting with my boss and he asked me what had happened. I said " oh it was from running last night bad shirt choice." He said "well that's good someone asked me if you were sporting a hicky." Oh perfect that had not even crossed my mind so it turns out I have a new reputation at work and its not "oh she's the biker girl who rides to work everyday." Lesson learned!!!

4 Mile tempo:
I did not want to run it was cinco de drink-o and well I had zero motivation and was running behind schedule. My sister saved the day (wahoo sis!) because she was having the same problem and so we met up and did our 4 miles together. 43 mins and I was done. Thanks to a partner in crime I didn't miss a beat and got to chat the first 2 miles while I still had breath enough to chat. Running with someone, so makes a difference I have never ever done it before. I guess running had just been my "me time" turns out I like it when it is "we" time.

10 Mile PRE cap:
Today's goal beat the stomach issues!!! So last night I headed out to REI ( Super Jock and Jill was closed) to get some pre run, during run, post run fuel. I am not REI's biggest fan so I was hoping to in and out in less then 10 mins!! Although it was there for more then 10 mins I picked up what I needed. Cytomax ( my during run hydration), GU 2 packs this time, and GU recovery drink. I was doing research yesterday while I was at work and I think the reason I have stomach pain after is because I don't take enough in during my run. This time I have 2 GU gels and I am counting my water intake before and looking at my carb protein ratios for my pre race meal. Well all this is done and I am sitting on my couch trying to figure out when i should run.... So I blogged so I could put this off a little longer. I always get nervous/anxious before I run I convince myself its excitement so that I have a happy little attitude and that works most of the time. But I have realized I forgot to buy my next life changing product.... Body glide. Once again this is a product that can change your world its the miracle hot spot eraser. I hope that I don't need it but we shall see. Well I am off to run in the beautiful rainy spring weather of Seattle. Wish me luck:)

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