Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I went to workout tonight and thought you know what I'm going to try and run again!!! I did and it went great I ran 3.1 miles. I can tell I am not completely healed I could feel some discomfort but nothing to really write home about. So this means I can't get back on the running wagon yet but I am going to slowly reintroduce it into my routine so probably once a week maybe twice a week and see how it feel with a lot of no impact cross training ice elevation and keeping the boot on more then I have been. But this was an encouraging outing but i don't want to go too fast on my end!
-Rookie Runner-


  1. Great! But go slow! You don't want to re-injure!

  2. I will be going slow that means giving my foot time to heal in between each run but very happy to have put in a 5k.
