Monday, July 26, 2010

Week One's Schedule

Week 1-
Monday - Rest. Rest is an important part of any training program.
(I like this day)
Tuesday - Run 2 miles easy. Run at an easy “conversational” pace.
Wednesday - Warm up with 10 to 15 minutes of easy jogging. Run 4 x Hill repeats. Run up a hill of moderate grade. Run at a pace that feels like 5K pace. Your pace will be slower, but will feel 5K pace because of the added difficulty of the hill. Run up the hill for about 100 meters. Jog down the hill and repeat.
Thursday - Rest or cross train. Rest or engage in a non-running activity.
Friday - Run 2.5 miles easy.
Saturday - Run 2 miles easy.
Sunday - Run 3 miles easy

I am starting today with a 2.8 mile run to see how I do ......and well because that is how long Greenlake is and that is where my softball game is tonight. This being my first day I don't really feel like I need to rest from my "long run" yesterday because I did not have a "long run" yesterday. Just a long ride home from Portland and well I think I could use the jog today. Getting all amped to leave work and begin this whole ordeal. I am mostly excited because like my sister says when you are training for a 1/2 marathon you can eat whatever you want.... I'm sure she meant with in reason. Don't think I'll start that plan until I am running more then 2 mile a day. Small victories folks that's what is going to keep me going. Well that and small gifty gifts I will be getting myself along the training program.
I have also added a mileage tracker on this blog so you can see just how far I have gone , and the link above is the link to the training program I decided to use.
Rookie Runner -OUT!


  1. Gifty gifts? THis should be interesting!

  2. this may or may not be my new favorite blog!!! way to go fuller... you are my hero! :)
