Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day one recap

Well I cheated on my first workout I was supposed to run for 40 mins and well I did 30 mins instead. I then continued into the pool where I had 2200 to knockout which I did, But I now see just in one day, how important planning is.... Yes mom I am admitting that planning is a necessity.  I have very busy Mondays and so I thought that I could workout at night like 10pm well let me tell you that is not a good plan.  I did not get home until 12:30am.  My big plan was to get my bike in this morning before work, but with the midnight 30 home arrival time last night/this morning it was just not conducive for my ride. I knew that sleeping would be more beneficial to my body then cranking out a ride on about 5 hours of sleep.  So now I am in a time crunch after work to get home and on by bike before the sun goes down at 6:08pm.  I am sure I will manage. Armed with some new knowledge from the past 24 hours. I already have some changes planned for my workout and sleep schedule next week. Go to bed early to get up early and split the double days to morning and afternoon workouts.  This will be much better than having to do both workouts back to back.  Continuing on the planning portion of things I have a triathlon workout schedule/Journal arriving in the mail today to track workouts and nutrition over the course of my training.  This will be very helpful with progress, accountability, and nutrition affects on my workout, without having to just remember how things worked or didn't work.  Heck if I learn this much every workout this would be GREAT!!  I will check in again soon.  Happy training.


  1. Why don't kids listen to their parents? I have been trying to tell you to plan ahead and leave extra time for years. Glad you go it Katie!
