Monday, March 19, 2012

No time for error

I rushed home and put on my biking gear picked up my packages.  What packages, thanks for asking.  I got a new digital scale in the mail and also got a training diary.  So once those were stashed away in my apartment I hit the road.  It was a cold ride, I did not feel it but in my toes. when I got home and my external body temp was bringing the temperate in my house ( I use the term house loosely) down at least 10 degrees my body was so cold.  During this ride I realized that I need as brighter bike light and shoe booties or covers whatever the bikers call em.  I was good for a while but by the end my toes were numb..ish it was about 44 degrees out and then sun was down so I am not being a total wienie.  My bike light is fine for people and cars to see me but I could not really see the road or terrain to well when I was on the bike path with no lights.  I guess I will be shopping this weekend.  Now it was time to get some food in my belly and get ready for the second workout of the day my run.  BY the time I was all geared up and ready the treadmill at my apartment was occupied... boo to that. So a change in the plan occurred I went up stair and did a workout of death for my second workout and am pushing my run to the next day because there is only on workout scheduled.  I did my core, and lunges and arms and cardio jumping exercise and called it good.  I can already tell a difference in my core strength just from a week ago but I guess that will happen when you start working on it more :).  10 more days and I am going to get my test with that workout again. Hoping to not pass out.
Today I will be doing my 30 mins run and a short..ish swim work out. Sounds fun right.  until next time.

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