Thursday, March 22, 2012

Work out of Death Test!!

I have an update on the "workout of death"... I can now just call it a workout thank goodness.  This time I powered through our 55 minutes of hell and felt great.  By great I mean all my muscles in my whole body were burning/aching in the I am getting stronger and I love it way.  Last time I attempted this work out my training had not begun yet and I was not as in shape as I thought.  I had no core and I could barely move for three days after it.  This time I could tell all my practice in the past three weeks has been worth it.  It is the only time in my life where I feel like 45 seconds is an eternity, and it can cause words I didn't even know existed come out of my mouth ( I my need to call Mr. Webster about those there are some good ones).  My core is in a whole new place and I can walk today and my abs are not sore like can't laugh they are sore like I know they exist.  I may have over done it a bit yesterday because I hit the pool before this workout and my arm were jelly by the time it was over but I cannot wait to go back.  My training has been trucking along and Still has me interested so that is good, I feel like I have caught the bug and will be doing triathlons for a very long time to come.  Off to hit a 1 hour run.... woohoo I am so excited.  Running is still the hardest thing for me to get mentally excited about because I still hate it, but it is never as bad as I think it is going to be so here is to a quick 60min run.

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