Thursday, March 29, 2012

High quality.... maybe not.

Well here are some cell phone picture of a few of my training rides and runs, I also have my wetsuit picture that I was debating on putting on the web but since my sister already did that, it will find itself on my blog as well. Warning to all sisters/friends out there it is a good idea to check with an individual before plastering their shrink wrapped wetsuited body on the internet. That is all for now.

Here is a picture of one of my bike routes I always seem to get wind but it sure is a pretty ride.
 This is a shot of another bike trial the opposite direction Alki beach looking out to the Olympic mountains.
 This is the same place but looking toward down town Seattle.  A Cell phone does not give it justice but it is a pretty cool view from over there.
 This picture is to show that I have finally stepped it up and got a safe riding jacket I have been riding in all black (people/parents and friends don't like that so much).  Not any more hunter's orange here I come.
 Here is a picture of my beloved wetsuit.  It was a bit of a struggle to get in it the first time but felt great.  You will have to excuse the closet on the right, joys of 430sq ft living space.
 This is a picture from hwy 99 nice little sunset action.
 This is the Elliott bay trail by my house.
Hope you liked the pictures I know blogs are more fun with picture so I am sorry for the delay and will try and keep them coming.  I am off to beautiful Denver CO. I may have a few picture to post from that vacation if I remember to take a few shots.  Happy Training

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