Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Heart breaking.

Tuesday time to get back on the running train and put in 5 miles. Well that didn't happen!!! I tried on two different occasions to run and something is defiantly wrong with my right Achilles area. I am very upset about this new draw back I am not sure if I should rest or if it is something I can run out of and it just needs to be warmed up?? Today is my interval day and I am only supposed to do 3 miles but I think that I am going just see if i can get my 5 mile easy jog in from yesterday I do not want to lose the mileage I have built up so far and I am nervous that if I do a short three mile with high intensity that it could get worse. I am not sure if i should go to the doctor for this yet or not. If it does not feel any better after today I will be heading to the doctor soon so that I can get this taken car of and back on my running schedule. I hate to report bad news but i did some work on the bike last night and did a lift routine so that I was still moving but no running.....Boo.
-Injured Rookie-


  1. Oh, that sucks, I was out last season for about 3 weeks due to a sprained/torn groin muscle. Still aches on my long walks. And, the ball to the face? OUCH!

  2. I am currently icing at my office as we speak.
