Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today's 4.1 miles 48mins 23 secs

The pace has finally gotten into 11 minute range and I am happy about that. I was supposed to do just 4 miles but when I was cruising Greenlake I had to run a bit farther (ha ha ha .1 miles) to make sure I was at least getting the miles in. Today was a day where I lacked complete motivation but from a few posting on facebook and a pep talk from my boss I drove to GL and headed out after a headache of a parking situation. So there I was waiting to pull into a spot on my left but had to yield to the car that had just pulled into the lot I was sitting WITH my blinker on. I very patiently waited for them to pass when much to my surprise they just pulled right into my spot. It took everything in my power not to just drive home and say the stars were stacked against me. So I cruised around the other two parking lots and got nothing there, so I headed right back to the location of "the incident" and a spot had opened up right next to the one I had originally wanted to park in. Now I had the option of saying to myself wow what a great parking spot its basically right where I wanted to be OR be filled with animosity toward the driver that was still in her driver seat and send evil vibes her way. I will have you know I went with option 2. But it gave me some great motivation for the beginning of my run. It was not the right thing to do but sometimes you don't have the discipline for the right thing and today I was just lucky to be running. So I am sorry to the woman that was the parked next to me and may have received an unfriendly expression. Now that I was off and running I found myself thinking what do you think about when you run like the song on the Ipod, work, boys, how far you have left and or how far you have gone. I always seem to get stuck on the how far until this is over topic. Then when I hit some random point it comes to me wow I've been running for while and could keep going, only a mile left wow that is totally doable. If someone would have told me two weeks ago that I would be running for almost an hour and feel good, I would have never believed it. So that was my silver lining and my victory of the day. I can run longer then I thought I would be able to and it's only week three. I started my run in a pissed frame of mind and well by the end I thought I will be able to do my 5 miler at the end of the week ( got to love endorphins!!). Once again running won I did not (I try to hate it but I always like and even enjoy the second half) and I am excited for my next work out.

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