Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week three Has begun.

Update- I am completely committed now! If for some reason it decided to quit this journey( which I do not plan on doing) It will cost me $227.98 Because yesterday I bought my plane ticket to Denver. What a great deal thank you Southwest. I will be getting there at 6:30 the Thursday before the race and will wake up Friday for a nice little two mile run the last run in my training schedule. This outing I am sure will be a good indication how different the air is up there. I am sure it will be more difficult but my goal is still to run the whole thing no walking. Even if I have to slow my roll that is okay. I got some good news yesterday A- My Seahawks tickets are in the mail. B-I get to go to a Bronco's game after my 13.1 mile jog. Who knows if I'll be up for it but I will make myself up for it. Nothing that a post run beer can't cure I say. On the docket today I have a 4 mile ez jog and I am looking forward to running in somewhat cooler conditions. Running in Chelan was a little different. I have also found that I don't so much enjoy the first two miles of my runs but after they are over I am in a bit a groove and actually have fun. Sorry I have no pics from the weekend oops.
-Rookie Runner-


  1. There's not much a post-run beer or post-anything beer doesn't cure:)

  2. Good Call Em thats what I was thinking. BUt I have also heard that the last thing that sounds good is a beer. I say not possible.

  3. They gave a free beer to the finishers at the CDA 1/2 Marathon..just needed your timing chip.

  4. Well When the heck is that 1/2 Marathon?
