Thursday, August 5, 2010

Interval Traning

Last week when I did intervals it was on a hill that equaled zero fun. This week maybe because I am used to running a little bit more it was my favorite workout of the training thus far. I ended up running 3.75 miles because my warm up was only 10 mins. I also realized once I was done with my last 800m interval I didn't have to run 400m then an 800m cool done I could just go straight to the cool down stage so that was a great little surprise. I am doing a little bit better on pacing, I know where my goal pace is for the faster speed and I just take it back to a slow jog for my recovery. So it didn't feel like I was running for distance even though this has been my farthest mileage yet. Lesson in this is - don't knock it until you try it. I went into this workout thinking it was going to be H-E-Double Hockey Stick, and it wasn't. I also had some distractions. Today I have the day off and well kinda find myself wanting to run anyway ( I won't but I could). Today is my day to get girlie, I am attending a wedding this weekend and I need a new dress and I have a $100 dollar gift card to Nordstrum burning a whole in my pocket so shopping I shall go. Once again I will be out of town and trying to get my workouts in so I hope it all goes as planned, I developed a bit of a blister on one of my feet and I am kind of freaking out because I don't want one of those annoying little things that make a run miserable. So off to a running store to see what they have for this fix. I am kind of excited for tomorrow because I will make it over the 20mile mark after my run I may have to wake up early and check out the "runner wave" on my pier route. I'm off to enjoy my day off and try and get some pictures on this blog of mine.
Rookie Runner- Out.

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