Thursday, August 12, 2010


So on Wednesdays I have my ole interval training. This week it will be a Thursday interval training. I will have you know it is was not due to lack of motivation but lack of facility. I went and met my friend Rafter and crew at a local pub when I got off work to watch them have some beers. When I got home at 9pm I geared up for my workout and walked downstairs ( I have a work out room in my apartment). When I unlock the door someone was running on MY treadmill the nerve don't they know that, that treadmill belong to me??? SO I politly asked when they would be done and they said a half hour. This person on the treadmill I think is the only other person in the building that uses it and he also is the one I see out on my morning runs too. I think that we may be on the same plan. Run outside but when you have to the treadmill will do. So back upstairs to my glorious home I went and I got sucked into a TV show and well headed back down at about 10pm ( wow late I know). But another human had stolen my training device. So I chalked it up to a loss and will get the intervals tackled today NP ( no problem).
So my mother, Jackie is coming into town this weekend to compete in the Danskin Triathlon. She is one of my partners in crime in the Marathon.5 and she happened to scholarship my entry fee to the event as well. It should be a nice motivation for me, to keep on, keeping on. Watching her and her friends swim 1/2 mile then bike 12 miles then run a 5k WOW looking forward to being the official photog for this fine event. If you are not familiar with this triathlon it is a female only extravaganza and it is a blast to just be around all those amazing female athletes. So in talking to Jackie aka Mom she informed me that this could be an emotional journey as well as a physical one. She told me that she cried when she finished her first marathon ( yes the whole 26.2) and after the first triathlon she did. I was thinking great I am going to be a S*^! show at the end of the ROCK N ROLL because I cry when a good comical comes on or when people get kicked off American Idol. So I have that! to look forward to. I will probably cry this weekend when Jackie passed the finish line and I am there to watch. Go get em MOM.
-Rookie Runner-


  1. I will cry too, and I won't even be there, lol. I am going to be a S%*& Show on our half-marathon day, too.

  2. You girls take after your mom! ME! Cry away! It is a good thing to feel good about doing such a thing! We are athletes! They have a Team Survivor at Danskin. Cancer surviviors. I was invited to the breakfast but too early. So I will stop by and get a t-shirt. That should add to the crying thing! Life is Good!
